While tinkering around in Netherstorm I picked up a few quests from Captain Ameer over near Manaforge Ultris. He gives you a chain that leads up to collecting I.D. Tags that drop from prisoners of the Ethereum.
You find the key to open the prison orbs on any Ethereum mob, quite easy really.
What's HAWT about this is that when you free a prisoner, you'll either get a hostile mob that drops your tag for +250 Consortium rep... OR you'll get a friendly mob that will give you +500 rep with a random faction.
This morning I nabbed +500 rep with Keepers of Time, putting me 100 away from Revered. A quick run through OHB snagged it and now I've got some lovely pantaloons for tanking!
The quest is repeatable until you're Revered with Consortium, I believe. Very handy.
The tags are also useful for summoning a special mob in the Mana Tombs, might be worth saving 'em for.
Ehtereum Prisoner I.D. Catalogue